How to Use rhesus monkey in a Sentence
rhesus monkey
She and Able, a rhesus monkey, returned to earth healthy and were treated as celebrities.
—Kelly Kazek |,, 19 Dec. 2017
The molecule also appeared to boost the health of graying rhesus monkeys.
—Bymitch Leslie,, 8 June 2023
Such feedback loops have been well documented in birds, mice, cats and rhesus monkeys.
—Robert J. Shiller, New York Times, 19 Oct. 2017
While flowers and art are being put front and center, two of the most common sights in New Delhi — rhesus monkeys and stray dogs — are being kept out of sight as much as possible.
—Mithil Aggarwal, NBC News, 8 Sep. 2023
In a new study published in the journal Neuron, the researchers finally succeeded—at least in rhesus monkeys.
—Avery Thompson, Popular Mechanics, 8 Dec. 2017
Life-size cutouts of langur monkeys have been scattered among the half a million decorative plants placed across the city with the aim of scaring away their archenemy, rhesus monkeys that plague parts of the city.
—Karishma Mehrotra, Washington Post, 8 Sep. 2023
Fifty rhesus monkeys living in outdoor pens year-round were exposed to a prolonged period of wildfire smoke as infants in 2008.
—Washington Post, 11 Jan. 2020
In the 1950s, the American psychologist Harry Harlow took young rhesus monkeys from their mothers and found that the youngsters became reclusive.
—Benedict Carey, New York Times, 18 June 2018
For example, in one study of 401 rhesus monkey pregnancies, only three mothers died in childbirth.
—Jared Diamond, Discover Magazine, 11 Nov. 2019
Visitors can find fish like gar and bluegill, several varieties of birds, turtles, alligators and even non-native rhesus monkeys that still live around the spring.
—Patrick Connolly,, 22 July 2019
But at a minimum, the authors have shown the following: in both humans and rhesus monkeys, neurons in the cingulate cortex employ a richer neural code than neurons in the amygdala.
—Ryan Dalton, Scientific American, 2 July 2019
The vaccine also protected 67 percent of rhesus monkeys exposed to a simian virus similar to HIV, according to the researchers.
—Mark Barna, Discover Magazine, 1 Jan. 2019
When primates take taurine The team then turned to one of human’s closest living relatives, rhesus monkeys, to model how taurine would affect aging in humans.
—Jocelyn Solis-Moreira, Popular Science, 8 June 2023
In tests with a wild rhesus monkey, for example, researchers put their fingers in the previously aggressive animal’s mouth and watched its jaw remain slack.
—Troy Farah, Discover Magazine, 22 Mar. 2019
His team recently completed a 25-year study of calorie restriction in rhesus monkeys.
—Megan Molteni, WIRED, 22 Mar. 2018
In 1970, White famously transplanted one rhesus monkey head onto the body of another monkey.
—Anne Nickoloff, cleveland, 15 Mar. 2021
The long list of animals known to have been infected by canine distemper includes rhesus monkeys, pandas, American black bears, South American jaguars and even seals.
—Mark Johnson,, 15 Dec. 2017
During its commercial ownership, Silver Springs became home to jungle boat cruises (with wild rhesus monkeys that still exist around the spring), a Jeep wilderness trail ride and a giraffe exhibit.
—Patrick Connolly,, 22 July 2019
Researchers have found that male rhesus monkeys who tend to shun group play, mutual grooming and other social activities have a subtle thing in common with boys who have an autism spectrum disorder.
—Melissa Healy,, 3 May 2018
More recent excavations of Bo’s tomb yielded golden eagles, sika deer and rhesus monkeys.
—Meilan Solly, Smithsonian Magazine, 16 Aug. 2023
Much of his basic research involved rhesus monkeys, whose neural systems closely resemble those of humans.
—Clay Risen, New York Times, 22 Aug. 2023
Among rhesus monkeys like Orange and her troop, this expression is 100 percent unidirectional: It is given by the subordinate to the dominant, never the other way around.
—Frans De Waal, Discover Magazine, 31 May 2019
The rhesus monkey experiments contributed to research that White hoped could lead to human head transplants -- a Frankenstein-esque idea that raises endless ethical questions.
—Anne Nickoloff, cleveland, 15 Mar. 2021
A decade later, Tulane University transplant surgeon Keith Reemtsma placed both kidneys from a rhesus monkey into a 32-year-old-woman in renal failure.
—Joshua Mezrich, WSJ, 18 Jan. 2019
The vaccine reduced tuberculosis infections by 70 percent in rhesus monkeys, according to a paper published Monday in the journal Nature Medicine.
—Lynne Terry,, 15 Jan. 2018
But recent laboratory tests found that rhesus monkeys were far more likely to survive high doses of radiation if injected with Leukine 48 hours after exposure.
—, 9 June 2018
Bavari and other government scientists were co-authors of an article in the scientific journal Nature that described its discovery and successful tests in the government's rhesus monkeys.
—Author: Christopher Rowland, Anchorage Daily News, 27 May 2020
Productivity In several animal studies in aged beagles, mice, and rhesus monkeys, researchers have noted that adrafinil led to increases in locomotion, or movement and activity [3, 4, 5, 6].
—The Salt Lake Tribune, 1 Aug. 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'rhesus monkey.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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